Greetings from VKMfanHuey!!!

Welcome to the Gingerology blog for the 1935 RKO film, Roberta!!!

This was the third pairing of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire...and their partnership really hits stride here, as they workout "I'll Be Hard To Handle" and glide through the beauty of "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes". The setting is at Roberta's, the top fashion shop in Paris - and concerns one of the designers there, Stephanie (Irene Dunne), and her budding romance with John Kent (Randolph Scott), the nephew of the lady currently running Roberta's, Aunt Minnie (Helen Westley). When Minnie passes away, John assumes the role of running the shop, but is not quite up to the task...but Stephanie should be. With help from John's musical bud Huck Haines (Astaire) and the 'Pseudo Countess Scharwenka', a.k.a. Lizzie Gatz (Rogers), who also just happens to be Huck's 'old gal' from Indiana, Stephanie might make be able to salvage the shop...and her relationship with John.

Please note the 'menu' above, which has various information regarding the film; to the right (just below the Gingerology link) there are additional links regarding the film.

Please feel free to leave a comment with any general info, links, pics, or just to say hi!

...And be sure to check out our 'main' site, Gingerology - just click on the Ginger pic to the right. There you'll find a list of ALL of Ginger Rogers' films; click on any one, and you will be directed to a 'dedicated' blog about that film (not unlike this blog).

Keep It Gingery, y'all!



Friday, April 11, 2014

Archive Post #4 - from Gingerology - originally posted January 5, 2013 AND January 12, 2013

...GingerPoll Time, y'all!!!!

Well, hi there, G-ologists!!!!

Hu is in the house, and is ACTIVELY working on the 'Roberta' review this weekend!  ...still a bit to do,'s getting there!

With that, after 'review' of the movie, I got to thinking...of course as far as HueyReviews go, there's the ultimate 'Rankings Board' for the films...and, since the 'level' of GandF in Roberta is somewhat comprable to 'Rio', save for a few more dance routines, I got to thinking... which is the more 'Gingery' character, Honey Hale or Tanka Scharwenka? Well, of course, I couldn't choose between these two, as I would gladly tote a fully loaded steamer trunk across Grand Central Station for either of them... although Ms. Hale had a lot more 'trouble' with those trunks, if memory serves... :-]

Anyway, since this is a new year (BTW, Happy Twenty-Thirteen, y'all!!!), what better way to kick it off than with a GingerPoll - which has been awhile since we've done one, so...

The Question at hand:  Which character is more 'Gingery'...
Honey Hale, or...

...Tanka Scharwenka?

Yeah, it's pretty tough, but... well, y'all can be pretty opinionated at times, so...have at it!!! The poll is at the top of the blog for your use!!!

Be sure to comment as to your reasoning behind your vote...we stress accountability here at G-ology!!! ...or at least some modicum of protocol... however you go about THAT...

Y'all keep it Gingery, now...y'hear?



  1. I voted for Tanka Scharwenka. It seems that in Roberta, Ginger has more screen time, and her attitude just seems more gingery.

    I like the Honey Hale character but, for some reason, she just doesn't have enough "gingeryness" to her. Also it feels that you don't get to see enough of her. Ginger's character in Roberta is more sassy and awesome!
    1. Honey was the 'prototype'... pretty sassy, but maybe a BIT of an 'airhead'....albeit an adorable airhead! I love 'Music Makes Me', probably a bit more than 'I'll be Hard to Handle'... but Tanka had a bit more 'street smarts', thus a good bit more 'opinionated', and sassy...

      KIG, GF!


  2. Even though I've only seen Roberta a couple of times, I'd have to vote.....Tanka Scharwenka. Only because by this time, she really was "Ginger" as we know her. Rio, she was still finding her Gingery footing. That is my very scientific analogy. :)
    1. Tanka is the more 'established' Ginger... Honey wasn't really given a lot of opportunity in 'Rio', but she did make the most of it...

      And, yes, scientific analogies are MOST welcome here.... it's Gingerology, after all! :-)

      KIG, Betsy!


  3. How can I choose? Both characters are tough girls that can take care of themselves, giving them a lot of gingery-sass and smartness. Both have lovely clothes and look great in them, although Tanka really wins out in that department due to old Roberta's designs and all. Both travel the world on their own dime and live by their wits (and witty repartee ;)) But if I MUST choose, I pick Honey Hale just because she is more of an independent character. She sings and she dances, just like Tanka, but she also flies on the outside of airplanes and directs others while doing it. Bravo to her independent spirit! Isn't Honey Hale the ONLY character Ginger played in a comedy that DIDN'T have to get married during or, presumably, right after the end of the film?
    1. ...great point about Honey directing traffic for the airplane routine... as well as the lack of the somewhat obligatory 'let's get married' at the end of honestly, all other GandF films if memory serves...well, the Castles and the Barkleys were married throughout the film, or purt near, in the Castles case...

      Score one for HH...

      KIG, 'e'!


  4. that is so hard its going to take me ages to decide!! incidently i got to see a picture today of Lydia Roberti and had to look twice, in the picture (a scene from Roberta) she and Ginger look awfully alike and not just the accent!!
    1. cool! I might just have to get ya to 'forward' that Lydia pic on to me for the Roberta review, which is...well, in the 'process'... getting closer, tho... especially if she favors our girl!!! :-)

      ...hope you made up your mind... lest you become like 'Jenny'... :-)

      KIG, Kat!

    2. i'll have to scan it, its in a book! and yes don't worry i made up my mind! and speaking of lady in the dark i went to the V&A hollywood costumes exhib yesterday, very much worth the entrance fee!!
    3. ...great to hear ya had a good time there! And have a great weekend, Kat! I'll be waiting for those scans! :-)


  5. It's Roberta for me. Oh those cute little curls in Ginger's hair, the fun and joy G&F displayed in "Hard to Handle" (not to mention those pants looked great on Ginger), and then of course her regal like entrance in the fur coat and the finale in her black dress. OK, Huey. I'm all warmed up for the review. :)
    1. doubt they threw the works at this production, and Tanka had some awesome attire throughout... and yeah, that's a fave scene, especially when she walks toward Fred, and he is smiling... something tells me she tried her best to crack him up, as you couldn't see her face there... if I know Ginger (and believe me, if anybody does, I reckon....), she might have caused a couple of 'extra takes' there... :-)

      The review is getting there... hopefully... soon...

      Hope you have a great weekend, Lady F!!!


  6. Final votes:

    Tanka - 18

    Honey - 7

    Thanks again to all who voted!


    Tanka...Tanka very much...

    ...well, by over a 2-to-1 margin, Miss Scharwenka was deemed the more Gingery character, besting Miss Hale in a pretty easy victory.
    ...I'll go along with that... hard to argue the results, since the 'header pic' that has been gracing the top of G-ology for years now is none other than Tanka Scharwenka...  As usual, I didn't 'inject' any real 'bias' either way during the voting period, so as not to sway the voting...
    Thanks to all who participated!
    I am getting a bit more 'caught up' at my place of employment, so...that bodes well for G-ology... hopefully more progress will be made, not only on reviews, but also other features... 2013 is slated to be quite Gingery, according to the Mayans...or was it the Incas? I always get those two mixed up... kinda like the Shakers and the Quakers...
    Anyway - hope y'all have a great week ahead, and...




    Awesome! Roberta is one of her best films and Tanka is one of her very best roles.

    By the way, I took all my blogs off. I've been trying to concentrate on other things, but blogger still killed too much time. This always looking at stats, although there's hardly anything happening sucked too much. This time I'm serious, it's over.

    Only the blog of my pet,, will go on and looking up those stats from time to time is okay. Cuz this is about informing and helping animals and that's important to me.

    Sweet & Hot was a mess lately anyway. Writing about movies hasn't been my thing since 2011. So I went to tap and my 30s music. Right now I'm just rehearsing and it's all standard copyrighted stuff and my articles about plastic trombone and great new clarinet mouthpiece weren't so hot.

    My blogging didn't make sense anymore, it was just holding on to that old habit. Actually I hope to win wasted time to see a classic movie, like Roberta, again, which very tragically didn't happen for months....

    1. well, heck...sorry to see ya (kinda) getting out of blogging... do you facebook? I'm most likely going to crank up a VKM 'address' or whatever there...I know NOTHING about FB, but...I figured if anything, it can be used as a 'real time chat room', which blogger does not appear to have... so stay tuned for that...

      Well, thanks for your support, CS - hope you remain a G-ologist, and jump into the topics whenever you are really one of the 'experts' of the timespace that Ginger resided in,'re definitely needed here!!!

      Hope all goes well with your band...keep us updated!!!

      And most of all...


    2. As my mother is signed out, I probably have to answer. She's actually my co-author, and as you cannot type fast enough with a beak, doing the most of all the work on
      So she's still to contact in the blogspot world.

      Basically she's a facebook hater, but still in love with Twitter. I'm not there, but it's a snappy way to communicate -- you don't waste much time there, which actually is what she's lacking off all the time.... Oh, she hate's chatrooms, cuz they kill a lot of time.

      In things movies she fits horribly well here, still refusing to see modern films, cuz too much sex in there. Now, we had a little drama in our home, but she's fine again.
    3. Hop on the fb bandwagon lol. Are you going to make a page where people just like it? Or are you going to make one where people have to send a friend request?

      I really can't wait for the "chatroom" type deal. Talking with other gingerfans? Awesome!

      Have a great evening. Unfortunately I started homework way too late-whoops.
    4. ...Thanks for the info, Miss G! Tell CS I said hi, and to keep cranking out tunes from the Golden Era!!! And try to stay out of the's been pretty rough lately...

      ...As to GF, well, heck...I'm gonna have to get with my wife on this, as she is a FB person...not an 'addict', by any means, but knows enough to set up and show me the ropes.
      It will be a 'open member' deal or whatever, and most likely anyone and everyone is welcome...but will probably have a pretty short rope, in case our buddy from last year shows up spewing anti-Ginger stuff...

      Well, hope yer homework was easy...I had some junk from work to do as well, but it's pretty much cleared!

      KIG, y'all!
    5. Oh yes, the anti ginger anon from last year.
      You can't really "approve" comments on fb, but you'll just have to monitor them. Hopefully nothing like that happens!

      Oof, homework was not that easy last night. Stayed up till 1 doing it. Almost done with tonight's hw. :)
      Have a gingery evening!
    6.'s a 'pending' deal...looks like work is 'stabilizing' somewhat, so....we shall see...Roberta must be published first, tho...looking good for that... no, REALLY!

      hope you have a great weekend - are y'all off for MLK Day on Monday? I think purt near everyone is at this's sad when you can remember back before there were so many holidays / observances... President's Day is another 'recent' one... oh well, fine with me?

      KIG, GF!
    7. Yes we do. Thank god! I think I need a break from school for a bit.....

      Also, hopefully you get that Roberta review on here this weekend. Cannot wait to see it.

      Have a great Friday evening!
      BTW today in my History class we watched a documentary on the Great Depression. And I think I was the only person that squealed inside when I saw a scene from Gold Diggers. It was the part when Ginger says, "The depression deary."
      I thought it was awesome!
    8. ...sounds like yer History Teacher is a potential G-ologist... wasn't there a line in there that said, 'What's so great about it? - the Depression, that is... maybe not - not sure if they even called it that until some years afterward...

      will make progress here... onward to the review!!!

      KIG, GF!


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